Kosher Hamilton

Kosher in Hamilton

Kosher in Hamilton

Hamilton Kosher (Westdale)
Fine Catering, Prepared Foods, Quality Meats
889 King Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 1K5
Tel: 905.527.5762

Certification: HK/Vaad Hakashruth Hamilton

AA Pizza on Wheels

Pizza, Toppings, Pizza Crusts

132 Cline Avenue South, Hamilton

PM orders to 905-977-1929, Mon-Thur (11am-7pm) 

Certification: COR (Chalav Yisrael, Pas Yisrael)

Planted in Hamilton

Vegan Gluten-Free Restaurant & Bakery (Dine-in/Takeout )

211 Locke Street South


Certification: HK/Vaad Hakashruth Hamilton (Pareve/DE, Pas Yisrael)

(Certification does not include Shabbat, Chagim or Passover. Products may be eaten one hour after the end of Shabbat & Jewish Holidays.)

Fortinos (Westdale)

Fresh Kosher Sushi

Fresh Donut Bakery (not Chalav Yisrael or Pas Yisrael)

Large Kosher Selection of groceries, baked goods, meats, and milk products (including Chalav Yisrael)

1579 Main St W,  Hamilton,  ON  L8S 1E6
Certification: HK/Vaad Hakashruth Hamilton

Tel: 905.308.9045

Cinnaholic Westdale Village 

Vegan Bakery

1035 King St W, Hamilton, ON L8S 1L6

Certification: HK/Vaad Hakashruth Hamilton

All baked goods Pareve/DE (not Pas Yisroel). 

Toppins (added after baking) are all certified kosher except for caramel syrup, raspberries & strawberries. Soy Milk for coffee is DE.

Phone: (905) 521-1121

OMG! Ice Cream 

1047 King Street West 

Certification: HK/Vaad Hakashruth Hamilton

Not Chalav Yisrael

* All Hard Ice Creams, Soft Serve Ice Cream, Soft Serve Sorbets & Slurpees

* All Cones (Cake & Waffle)

* All Cone Dips (Hard Shell Toppings)

* All Syrup Toppings

Not Certified: Hard toppings (sprinkles, chocolates, etc.)

Bubbie Bessie’s Café

Café located at Shalom Village Retirement Centre

70 Macklin Street North,

Hamilton, ON L8S 3S1


Certification: Rabbi Aaron Selevan

For inquiries, please email

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